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How To Do Nails

Ultimate Guide to DIY Acrylic Nails: A Step-by-Step Tutorial


Indulge in the art of creating salon-quality acrylic nails from the comfort of your home with this detailed tutorial. Whether you're a novice or seeking a refresher, this guide will empower you to achieve stunning, long-lasting nails that turn heads.

Step 1: Gather Essential Tools

To begin your acrylic nail journey, gather the following essential tools:

  • Acrylic liquid monomer
  • Acrylic powder
  • Nail brush
  • Nail tips or forms
  • Nail glue
  • Nail file and buffer
  • Cuticle pusher
  • Top coat

Step 2: Prepare Your Nails

Prepare your natural nails by gently pushing back your cuticles and cleaning the surface with nail polish remover. Remove any existing nail polish or gel. For added strength and longevity, use a nail primer.

Step 3: Apply Nail Tips (Optional)

If you desire extended nails, glue nail tips to the free edge of each natural nail. Trim and shape the tips as per your preference.

Step 4: Mix Liquid Monomer and Acrylic Powder

In a small dappen dish, combine a small amount of acrylic liquid monomer and acrylic powder. Mix thoroughly using a nail brush until you achieve a bead-like consistency.

Step 5: Apply the Acrylic Mixture

Dip the nail brush into the mixture and apply a thin layer to your nail, starting from the cuticle area and working towards the free edge. Repeat this process to build the thickness and shape of your nails.

Step 6: File and Shape

Once the acrylic has dried, use a nail file and buffer to shape and smooth the nails. Refine the edges for a polished finish.

Step 7: Top Coat

Apply a thin layer of top coat to seal the acrylic and enhance its durability. Allow the top coat to dry completely.


Congratulations! You have successfully created professional-looking acrylic nails at home. With a little practice and patience, you can master this technique and enjoy stunning nails without breaking the bank. Remember, nail care is essential for maintaining healthy and beautiful nails. Regular maintenance, such as removing any lifting, filing, and reapplying top coat, will ensure your acrylic nails last and look their best.


